
Sunday 11 November 2012

In My Mailbox (51)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

Last week I ordered Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier, the sequel to Ruby Red. I'm very excited for this one since I loved the first book. The series follows an English school girl who finds out that she carries the gene to be her family's time traveller. The book finally came in early this week, and a day later I found Ruby Red for $5 at Chapters, so I bought it to complete the set.

From the library I took out Fodor's Australia and Lonely Planet's New Zealand to look though. My hold on The End Of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe came in, and I'm really excited to read it! This book seems to be one of the 'big things' right now, and I read a tiny bit of it at the library and enjoyed it. I also recieved a review e-copy from the author of The Wales Boy by Rachel M. Greenebaum. This book looks very interesting and original, based on the description. Once Angelica hears the superstitious stories of The Wales Boy, she dismisses the horror stories and begins to make up her own for fun. Soon, she finds herself a character in one of her stories. 
What was in your mailbox this week? 


  1. On seeing the covers of Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue, I admired the beauty of them. On learning they involved time travel, I was intrigued. On reading your review of Ruby Red, I must own them!
    Will you be reviewing Sapphire Blue? I sure hope so.

    1. I will! I should read it early in the week and write a review. I'm really excited!

  2. Sapphire Blue and Ruby Red are so pretty!

    1. I know! So pretty! They just look so pretty on my shelf.

  3. The covers for Sapphire Blue and Ruby Red are so pretty, & $5 is such a great deal! awesome snag. I'm still debating if I should try out the series or not haha.

    This is my IMM at Bookmunchies (:

  4. The Ruby series finally translated to English, good one! it's a great series... all three books are, you'll love them

  5. IMM twins! I bought Sapphire Blue as well! I'm so excited to read it.
