
Saturday 3 November 2012

In My Mailbox (50)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

I'm writing this IMM from my hotel in Detroit, since we drove down for the weekend to go to my 78 year old Uncle's wedding (fun fact: he's remarrying his first wife.) America is sort of like Canada with some important differences, like there's no kinder eggs and apparently no one knows what Christmas Crackers are. And no one wears poppies for Remembrance Day. And, you know, some other stuff too. But they have something I love that we don't have: Barnes & Noble! Really, it isn't that much different from Indigo, but I just love it. I bought The Beatles: A Hard Day's Write (The Story Behind Every Song) by Steve Turner. I actually bought this as a Christmas present for my brother, who doesn't read my blog and hopefully won't start. I also bought two purple moleskines and You Against Me by Jenny Downham. 

I also took out The Last Last Council (Amulet) by Kazu Kibuishi from the library. I'm really liking these graphic novels so far, and I usually read them in the car, since regular novels make me car sick. I read this on the drive from Toronto to Detroit, and I thought it was the best yet! It reminded me a bit of The Empire Strikes Back. I also started volunteering at my library's little bookshop again, which means 50 cent paperbacks for me! I bought a 2011 Fodor's Guide to Walt Disney World, since the family is thinking about driving down to Florida over March Break, and taking me to the Magic Kingdom! And by that I mean they'll drop me off and pick me up, staying as far away from the actual park as they possibly can. I guess the happiest place on earth isn't for everyone.

What was in your mailbox this week? 


  1. The Beatles: A Hard Days' Write sounds so awesome :) I hope your brother enjoys it! Also have a good weekend in Detroit :).

  2. You don't have a B&N in Canada? For some reason I always thought you did. Hope you had a fantastic weekend in Detroit! And I definitely don't know what Christmas Crackers are but they sound yummy (:

    1. Okay so I just Googled it and we have those!! But they're not a big thing during the holidays. I was always curious to know what's in them!

  3. excellent post. I'd like to draft like this too - taking time and real hard work to make a great article. This post has encouraged me to write some posts that I am going to write soon. PLease go to site picbear
