
Monday 29 October 2012

Review: The Stonekeeper (Amulet Vol. 1)

Title: The Stonekeeper (Amulet Vol. 1)
Author: Kazu Kabuishi
Publisher: GRAPHIX
Publication Date: January 1st, 2008
Genre: Junior Fiction, Graphic Novel, Fantasy

Two years after the death of their father, Emily and Navin move into the countryside with their mother into an old house in the family. Some quick investigations of the house lead the family to the room of Emily’s Great-Grandfather, who went missing years ago. When Emily finds a mysterious amulet, she secretly takes it. When her mother is taken by a monster, Emily will have to use the amulet to save her. With Navin, Emily enters an impossible world where only she has the power to save her mother and the whole world. With a rabbit robot called Miskit, Emily will have to take the power of the amulet if she wants to reunite her family. While the power of the amulet can do great things, Emily will have to stop it from taking power over her. I’ve been on a graphic novel kick lately, and this is one of the best ones I’ve read. Beautifully drawn, the story sucks you in from the very beginning, with an emotional start and a quick moving plot. I know some parents stick up their nose at graphic novels, but this book is perfect for young reluctant readers. Original and exciting, this story features characters with depth and an interesting story, and it will all take you not quite half an hour to read. Even with so much packed into such a little book, The Stonekeeper does what it set out to do perfectly: tell a story.


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