
Sunday 27 May 2012

In My Mailbox (40)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

I shouldn't be allowed to work in a bookshop, especially when I'm not even getting paid. I buy books every week. At least they're cheap, though. This week I bought three books for $2: An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin, She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb and The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. I bought the first two books based on recommendations and the fact that I thought they looked pretty. I've already read The Westing Game and liked it enough to buy it.

Back in March I saw a copy of Wintertown by Steve Emond in a Barnes & Noble and was very interested in it, based on the description and the cover. As an aside, I know some people have complained about how Barnes & Noble has a YA paranormal section, but I like how it's set up. They have YA fiction divided into paranormal, adventure and realistic fiction. This makes it easier to find good books (hopefully like this one) in the section that most interests you. At Chapters, all the YA books are together alphabetically. Anyways, I found Wintertown at my library and decided to take it out. Steve Emond also did the book's illustrations. Also from the library I took out Rudy Red by Kerstin Gier. I like time travel so I'm hoping it will be good.

Also from the library, I took out Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones and the movie adaptation, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Both were recommended to me by a reader named Alice- thank you! I see Diana Wynn Jones' books everywhere and this will be my first. Howl's Moving Castle will be my fourth Miyazaku film, after My Neighbour Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away. I loved them all! Since I read Matilda earlier in the week, I took out the movie from the library and re-watched it. As an adaptation of the book, I thought it was pretty good, aside from having it set in the wrong country. They kept pretty much everything from the book, while adding scenes that were true to the book's sense of humour. 

What new books did you receive this past week? 


  1. OMG HOWL!!!! Ok, you need to watch the movie first and THEN read the book (if you can) because the movie leaves out a lot but is so well done. Personally I love them both.

    Great reads this week (and movies) so happy reading!

    1. Oh no- I already started to read it! I'm not very far, so maybe I'll watch the movie tonight and finish the book afterwards. Thanks for the tip!

    2. There is so much which is different between the book and the film - I think they are both amazing though. So long as you stay open minded about the film, reading the book first shouldn't be too much of a problem. :)

  2. I bought three books for $10 at a local secondhand book shop. I picked up Bridgets Jones 1 and 2 as well as Eat, Pray, Love. I have read Eat, Pray, Love and really loved it so I wanted a physical copy in addition to my kindle copy.

    1. I loved Bridget Jones! I need to reread them- I think it's been 7 years since I read them last-yikes.

  3. YAY another Canadian Book Bloggger ^_^

    Howls Moving Castle was an amazing movie. I always like Miyazaki films. However I have never gotten around to reading the original novel. Though I have seen it around.

    I am starting to notice that a lot of Miyazaki films are based on western literature.

    Great Haul btw. I hope you enjoy.

    Maura @ Monster of Books

  4. I LOVE Howls Moving Castle (the film), I do have the book to, I just have to get round to reading it. I hope you enjoy your haul, it looks great!
    I've given you a blog award :)

  5. Ruby red is a book I've been seeing a lot lately. Perhaps that's a sign for me to read it some day ^^

    Happy reading!

  6. Really want to read Ruby Red!! Hope you enjoy all the books! Check out what I got this week!

  7. Oh I love Miyazaku movies! Howl's Moving Castle is one of my favourites!
