
Sunday 22 April 2012

In My Mailbox (35)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

Yay, new books! Last Sunday I bought A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, the sequel to A Game of Thrones. I'm planning on catching up on my reading this week by reading a lot of books, then reading A Clash of Kings next week. On Thursday I bought As You Like It by William Shakespeare. I'm going to see the play at the Globe in September, and I wanted to read the play before I go. I own the works, but I just wanted a little paperback to bring with me when I go to summer camp. On Friday I volunteered at my library's book shop and bought two books for .50 each: The Complete Poems of John Keats and A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. My friend really liked A Million Little Pieces, and someone recommended it to me on my blog. To be honest, I'm sort of regretting buying it, but it didn't cost very much. 

As usual, I have a pretty random selection from the library. Gone by Michael Grant is a book about a world in which everyone wakes up one day to find all the adults gone. The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin will be my first of her books, although I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to start. I already own City of Illusions, Planet of Exile and Rocannon's World, which, as I understand it, take place in the same universe. Briar Rose by Jane Yolen looks interesting: it's a retelling of Sleeping Beauty set in the Holocaust. A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce is a retelling of The Miller's Daughter story. Last is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I read this ages ago, but the details are a little hazy. I do remember it being very good, though. 

What was in your mailbox this week? 


  1. 50 cents for Keats is ALWAYS a good thing. I remember being underwhelmed with Curse Dark as Gold, but I do not remember why! And Briar Rose sounds very interesting, but also dark. Hope you enjoy!

  2. As You Like It is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. I was looking at the Game of Thrones series because everyone says it's good. I'm just not sure if I have time to read it. The books are huge.

    MY IMM

    1. I feel the same way about A Game of Thrones! It will probably be a long time before I read all the books in the series since they're so big. And I'm glad you liked As You Like It!

  3. Is A Million Little Pieces that one that turned out to be a fake memoir? I remember some sort of scandal a few years back, but can't recall if that was the book in question.

    My IMM.

    1. I remember that too! I think it was an Oprah's book club book, and later they found out he exaggerated details and then Oprah got really mad at him about it. I think it's actually a sort of fictionalized memoir, which upset a lot of people.

  4. Great set! I love the cover for Briar Rose. I really need to start reading Game of Thrones. It's a goal.
    My IMM

  5. I've had A Million Little Pieces for about 6 years or so but I've still not read it, eek!

  6. Briar Rose sounds like a really interesting, and one that I definfiely need to learn more about!

  7. I hope you like A Clash of Kings! It almost pains me to say it, but I'm not really a huge fan of the series. I LOVE the TV show, but I just can't get into the books. There are too many characters I don't care about and sometimes it feels a little slow :( But I seem to be in the minority so maybe you'll love it!

    Here's my IMM

  8. Watching Game of Thrones right now - good stuff! I would like to read Gone as well.

    Our IMM is at Book Sake. –Jessica
