
Sunday 4 March 2012

In My Mailbox (29)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

This week I bought these three lovely books for $2.50. Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer and White Teeth by Zadie Smith. I know practically nothing about Freedom except that it is supposedly very good. I took Eating Animals out from the library a while back but never got around to reading it. I suppose a lot of what he talks about won't apply to me since I'm Canadian, not American. Next month marks 5 years since I stopped eating meat so I'm quite interested to read what Jonathan Safran Foer has to say (I should point out that I eat fish and seafood though.) I haven't yet read any of Zadie Smith's books, although I own On Beauty. Not sure which one to start first. Pandemonium came out Tuesday here, I believe, but I lucked out and somehow managed to get a copy on Sunday. For some reason a bookstore near me had copies out early. You can read the review here

Next week I won't be posting an In My Mailbox, since I'll be gone for March Break with my family. I'll probably make up for it the next week, though. I always go overboard on vacation.

That's it for me- feel free to post links to your IMM in the comments! 


  1. I didn't know that you didn't eat me (I suppose there's no reason why I would!) so that's really interesting... I want to read Eating Animals even though I do eat meat. I've heard a LOT about Freedom too. It's apparently generally read by middle class adult hipsters, haha. I'm curious about it though.

  2. I read 'Freedom' a few months ago and really liked it! I'm also quite interested on the one by Zadie Smith :)
