
Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve and I decided to do my first non-book related post! As it's Christmas, I thought it would be fun to blog about what my family does for Christmas and hopefully others can comment with their Christmas plans. I really wish my family had some sort of book-related Christmas tradition, like reading A Christmas Carol together, but no such luck. Today is mostly filled with cleaning and cooking and getting ready for tomorrow. Tonight we'll eat appetizers for dinner (mini quiches, cheese tray, finger foods, etc) and then we'll go for a walk and watch It's a Wonderful Life. Tomorrow we get up early and open presents. Then we go to church and afterwards we'll probably spend most of the day relaxing and straightening up a bit. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will come in the mid-afternoon. There are 21 of us in total, which is much smaller than my mom's family. For dinner we have turkey, salmon, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, brusselsprouts, a broccoli casserole, cabage salad, beet salad and rolls. Dessert is mincemeat tarts, cheesecake brownies, Christmas pudding, my aunt's cheesecake and some of my assorted candies and cookies. I'm really hoping to be able to post my IMM tomorrow, but who knows. 
I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, and hopefully there will be a lot of book shaped packages under our trees! 

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