
Sunday 4 December 2011

In My Mailbox (16)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, in which book bloggers post about the books they've bought, borrowed or received in the past week.

All my books are from the library this week! I was a very big fan of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor's Alice series when I was younger, and I'm going to read the newest books in the series; Alice in Charge and Incredibly Alice. I'm pretty sure a friend recommended Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick to me- I'm hoping I didn't get the title wrong, since she didn't tell me the author. I've already read The Dashwood Sisters' Secrets of Love by Rosie Rushton and The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. The Dashwood Sisters is a modern adaptation of Sense and Sensibility and I think I'm going to post a lot of Jane Austen related reviews for the week of her birthday. The Phantom Tollbooth was read to me by my sixth grade teacher, but I must not have been paying attention because I forget a lot of what happened. 

On another note, I just bought tickets to see John Green on January 11th in New York! Which is really exciting, since a) it's John and Hank Green and b) it's New York City. I'm going to spend three nights there and hopefully my brother will be able to come with me. The only downside is that I'm not getting anything for my birthday in April. And I'll have to cancel my order for The Fault In Our Stars, since the tickets for the signing include the book. I am actually too excited to read today. 

Feel free to post links to your IMM! 


  1. I'm curious to see what you think of Hush, Hush. It's very popular but as you know, I'm not a huge paranormal fan.

    It's so exciting that you get to see John Green in NYC!

  2. You get to see JOHN GREEN??!! So extremely jealous of you right now!

    I haven't read any of these books, but I'm planning to read Hush, Hush in the near future once I'm able to borrow books from the library again (have to get a card first; I've been procrastinating since I moved).

  3. Haha, I'm a moron - I looked at the photo before reading the text and thought 'Oh, I wonder why she puts green stickers on her books? They look like they're library books?' So yeah, that would be because they're LIBRARY BOOKS :|

    I'm vaguely ashamed that I've never read The Phantom Tollbooth. I think I read a short extract in school once (in Maths, I think, for some reason) but that's it. I know I should read it, but it just doesn't appeal.

    I keep meaning to reread Sense and Sensibility. It's the only Austen I didn't really like so I want to give it another chance to win me over. Maybe an adaptation is the way to go instead... Can't wait to read your review of that one!
