
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Top Ten Tuesday (1)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is Top Ten Underrated Books. This is a tough one for me, since it feels like all the books I like are popular.

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
It feels like fans of John Green are so busy quoting Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska that they forget about his second book, An Abundance of Katherines. Colin is a former child prodigy who is obsessed with anagrams, facts, languages, and girls named Katherine. After being dumped by Katherine number 19, Colin and his best friend go on a road trip, while Colin tries to create a formula that will predict the outcome of a relationship.

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
I read this for the first time after I turned 12 and loved it! Seventeen-year-old Cassandra lives in the English country side in the 1930's. In her journal, she captures her eccentric family members, her first love and the old castle that she lives in.

Losing Joe's Place by Gordon Korman
One of my favourites from grade school. Jason and his two best friends plan to spend the summer they're 16 at Jason's older brother's apartment in Toronto. The boys are at first overjoyed over their new independence, but soon struggle with keeping jobs, paying the rent, fighting over girls, unexpected house guests and their money hungry land lord.

All the Blue Moons at the Wallace Hotel by Phoebe Stone
A beautiful book about Fiona Hopper and her younger sister Wallace, who is as strange as her name. The sisters live in an old mansion on the edge of town. While Fiona just wants to fit in and dance ballet, Wallace dreams of living in Seattle under a beard of moss and changing her name.

Angel on the Square by Gloria Whelan
A great historical fiction book for younger readers. I was probably about 12 when I first read this and I loved it. Thirteen year old Katya lives in St. Petursburg in the early 1900's. Katya's mother is a lady in waiting for the Emperess, and Katya has always felt safe and happy. As her country is on the brink of a revolution, Katya sees everything she once knew change.

Alice, I Think by Susan Juby
Ever since Alice dressed up as a hobbit for a very first day of school and was teased by her classmates, she has been home schooled. Now Alice is about to start high school and leave home school behind her. Will she be able to survive? This was a quirky coming of age story that's witty and original. I definitely need to re-read it.

Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty
Told in notes and letters, Elizabeth's English teacher assigns her to write letters to a complete stranger from another school. Worried about her best friend Celia, who is constantly disappearing, Elizabeth soon becomes friends with her pen pal, Christina, and tells her all about her life.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
In this graphic novel, Marjane tells the story of her youth in Tehran during a tumultuous period of the country's past. This memoir looks at Marjane's early childhood in Iran, until she leaves the country in her early teens. She witnesses the overthrow of the Shah, the Islamic Revolution and Iran's war with Iraq.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Marry Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
I am constantly raving to people about how much I love this book but I'm not sure if anyone ever listens. In 1946, Juliet, along with the rest of England, is trying to recover from the war. Looking for a subject for her next writing project, she unexpectedly finds one when she begins correspondence with a group of people from Guernsey. While under German occupation, this group of neighbours created a literary society as a spur of the moment alibi. Through sharing literature, they found a pleasant distraction during the war. Juliet finds herself pulled into their lives and their stories.

Secrets from the Vinyl Cafe by Stuart McLean
A very enjoyable read bound to make you laugh. Based on the stories from The Vinyl Cafe radio show, this book is made up of short stories about Dave, Morley and their family and friends. Some of the stories are funny, while others are touching.


  1. I just picked up a copy of Katherines last week! Must read it soon. Thanks for the thumbs up.

    Here's my Top Ten post for this week: Top Ten Underappreciated Books
    And don't forget to stop in and sign up to win in the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  2. Persepolis is amazing, and I hope that more people begin to recognize it as such. Have you seen the film adaptation? It's wonderful.

  3. I love Persepolis and I like An Abundance of Katherines, even though I liked Looking for Alaska better.

    Check out mine at The Scarlet Letter.

  4. I loved Persepolis. I've always meant to read Angel in the Square. I've seen it around for years but never picked it up.

  5. Ahhhh love that we both have Feeling Sorry for Celia on our lists!

  6. Holy smokes- you have Losing Joe's Place on your list!! It's first on my TTT list for this week. I didn't think anyone else had read it and/or hysterical! Jaclyn Moriarty is also my TTT list.
